VR, AR and MR Development

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OptiTrack for VR and Unity3d

As the VR industry starts to grow, people are exploring new capabilities with VR technology. One of the key limitations is generally the systems are designed to track a single user within a small space (typically 4m x 4m). An exciting… Continue Reading →

Viewing the Oculus Tracker

The Oculus Tracker is an infrared camera that tracks the position of the Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch devices relative to it’s own location. It can be quite handy to be able to display the location of the camera within… Continue Reading →

Play Vive VR room-scale games with the Oculus Rift + Razer Hydra Motion Controllers

Update: 18 July 2016 If you are trying to play ILMxLAB Trials on Tatooine on Steam, and SteamVR can’t detect your Razer Hydra controllers, then make sure you update to the latest OpenVR driver: https://github.com/betavr/steamvr_driver_hydra/releases/tag/v1.0.1.15   On the 18th of April 2016 Valve did… Continue Reading →

Build your first VR app for the Oculus Rift

Welcome! What an exciting time for Virtual Reality. Today I’m going to show you how to build your own VR application for the Oculus Rift from scratch! Whether you are brand new at developing an app – or you are a… Continue Reading →

Experimental: Look Forward Mode

Here’s a scenario: You’re playing VR in seated mode and physically facing forwards, and your avatar is standing at a cross roads facing North. You look around and notice something interesting to the East and you decide to head off… Continue Reading →

Use a 360 degree Panorama as a Skybox

From the feedback I receive for my developer blog posts I get to help a lot of new Unity3d VR developers get started. And one question I get asked a lot is about how to display panorama images. I thought I’d… Continue Reading →

Disable Health & Safety Warning in Oculus 0.8 Runtime

Update March 2016: Disabling the Oculus Health and Safety Warning screen is no longer possible with the new Oculus 1.3 runtime (both CV1 and DK2). I will update this page if there is a way found to do it. In… Continue Reading →

Google Cardboard Hello World in Unity 5

Today I’m going to break from the usual Oculus development articles, and walk through how to build your first Google cardboard app. I’m assuming you’ve never looked into building a Cardboard app before, and you want to quickly cover the main… Continue Reading →

Unity VR Position Tracking

Currently in Unity 5.2 VR HMD position tracking is auto-magically applied to your camera. So as you move your HMD’s position in the real world, it is also applied to the Game Object that has the camera on it. So, what… Continue Reading →

VR Canvas Keyboard

I’ve received a few emails about inputting text in VR, specifically around Unity’s Input Field. Firstly, bugs, Input Fields rendered in world-space have several known bugs with displaying the caret in the wrong position. I’m not sure why Unity has… Continue Reading →

Measuring Stick

I created this handy 3d measuring stick to quickly throw into a scene to get an idea of size. Download the zip with the OBJ file, and drag all 3 files into Unity. Now you can drag the measuring stick into… Continue Reading →

VR Gaze Input

As VR developers we almost all need a UI system where the user can look at something and action it, such as a button. With Unity’s new UGUI (in 4.6 and 5) it finally makes it easy to build great world-space… Continue Reading →

VR FPS Counter

Here is a quick and easy script to enable viewing a FPS counter on the Oculus Rift and GearVR using Unity UGUI. Follow these steps: RIght Click on your VR Camera (or Center Eye Camera) and create a UI->Canvas. Set… Continue Reading →

View the VR Tracking Space

Visualizing the VR tracking space is useful when designing an experience to know the player is going to be in a reliable tracking location. Unity 5 VR doesn’t yet have a way to access the tracking space. I assume that… Continue Reading →

Recenter Position Tracking

When I start a new VR project in Unity 5 I always map the Recenter function to both the ‘R’ key and the XBox Controller Right Joystick button (which is the stick for rotating the user). It does not need… Continue Reading →

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