VR, AR and MR Development



Measuring Stick

I created this handy 3d measuring stick to quickly throw into a scene to get an idea of size. Download the zip with the OBJ file, and drag all 3 files into Unity. Now you can drag the measuring stick into… Continue Reading →

VR Gaze Input

As VR developers we almost all need a UI system where the user can look at something and action it, such as a button. With Unity’s new UGUI (in 4.6 and 5) it finally makes it easy to build great world-space… Continue Reading →

VR FPS Counter

Here is a quick and easy script to enable viewing a FPS counter on the Oculus Rift and GearVR using Unity UGUI. Follow these steps: RIght Click on your VR Camera (or Center Eye Camera) and create a UI->Canvas. Set… Continue Reading →

Getting started with Unity and Oculus Rift SDK 0.4.0

It can be tricky getting Unity and the Rift to work together the first time. Below are the steps that worked for me. Step 1. Downloads you’ll need: Download / Upgrade to Unity 4.5. (I have 4.5.2f1) Oculus Unity SDK documentation: 1.1 Requirements… Continue Reading →

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