VR, AR and MR Development



GoogleVR Cardboard: Set Default Viewer Profile

I was working recently on a GoogleVR Cardboard project where they printed their own custom Cardboard headsets and bulk mailed them out to invited guests. As you may or may not know, each Google cardboard physcial headset could be manufactured with different specifications… Continue Reading →

OptiTrack for VR and Unity3d

As the VR industry starts to grow, people are exploring new capabilities with VR technology. One of the key limitations is generally the systems are designed to track a single user within a small space (typically 4m x 4m). An exciting… Continue Reading →

Viewing the Oculus Tracker

The Oculus Tracker is an infrared camera that tracks the position of the Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch devices relative to it’s own location. It can be quite handy to be able to display the location of the camera within… Continue Reading →

Play Vive VR room-scale games with the Oculus Rift + Razer Hydra Motion Controllers

Update: 18 July 2016 If you are trying to play ILMxLAB Trials on Tatooine on Steam, and SteamVR can’t detect your Razer Hydra controllers, then make sure you update to the latest OpenVR driver: https://github.com/betavr/steamvr_driver_hydra/releases/tag/v1.0.1.15   On the 18th of April 2016 Valve did… Continue Reading →

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